Djunaidi Much.,Ramadhani Qonita Adila,Anis Muchlison,Munawir Hafidh
The role of humans as workers is still dominant in carrying out the production process, especially activities carried out manually in Material Handling (MMH). Activities carried out using the MMH method are identified as having a high risk if they are not carried out ergonomically and with a good work system, musculoskeletal complaints can occur due to wrong work postures and physical workload. The production process for SME Barokah Tofu in Kendal Regency is still carried out manually by employees who have identified incorrect work postures due to musculoskeletal complaints and physical workload. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze work posture and physical workload of Barokah Tofu employees who have a high risk to reduce musculoskeletal complaints and high physical workload, as well as provide suggestions for improvements to Barokah Tofu. The methods used in this research are ERIN (Evaluation Del Riesgo Individual) and CVL (Cardiovascular Load). Based on the calculation results, it can be concluded that there are 2 activities that have the results of the classification of work posture and physical workload inversely, namely soybean milling and moulding of tofu where work posture has a high risk and physical workload has a low risk, and there are 2 activities that have a work posture classification result. and the physical workload is directly proportional, namely filtering cooking products with low risk and cutting tofu with high risk. Activities that have a high risk require suggestions for improvements, namely simulation of tool design and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the application of ergonomic principles at work.
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