Pedagogical modeling of training teachers for working with gifted children


Fedotova E.L.,Nikitina E.A.,Seredkina A.S.,Garashchenko L.V.,Kazorina A.V.


The article deals with the issues of organizing the professional development of future teachers in basic general education and the system of additional education and the process of assisting gifted children and providing them with psychological and pedagogical support. The authors note that the quality of giftedness is most in-demand in modern society. At the same time, the question arises about the criteria and indicators of the formation of professional readiness to work with gifted children among student pedagogues. The analysis of publications on the training of future teachers makes it possible to discover that today there is a functioning system for identifying and supporting gifted children but not all specialists who ensure the implementation of the educational process in educational institutions are fully prepared to solve the assigned tasks that satisfy social and government needs. Therefore, the authors believe that one must carry out a set of measures that contribute to an efficient increase in the level of competence and professional skills of student pedagogues in the process of preparing future teachers for working with gifted children. The measures are based on a study of the experience of Russian and foreign specialists in the field of psychology and pedagogy that reflects the system of organizing education for young specialists at the university. The vector identified in the study in modeling the concept of professional training of students, and the certainty in the criteria and indicators that make up the readiness, the structural content of the development of readiness in future teachers, aimed at identifying and supporting gifted children. The authors identify broad prospects for the development of a new generation of professional training programs for student pedagogues, which are widely in demand in the context of the development of modern society.


EDP Sciences

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