The functional state of physically gifted preschoolers with high aerobic capacity


Krivolapchuk Igor A.,Chernova Mаria B.,Larionova Liudmila I.,Postavnev Vladimir M.,Kesel Sergey A.


The study aims to identify the features of the functional state of physically gifted children 5-6 years old with a high level of development of aerobic capacity under conditions of cognitive loads performed at different speeds. The authors used tests based on Anfimov’s letter tables as models of intense cognitive load. The examination was carried out at rest and while working at a comfortable speed and the maximal possible speed. Based on the results of the tasks, the speed and productivity of work, indicators of the psychophysiological cost of activity were calculated. Using the Luscher test, the level of situational anxiety was assessed and the coefficient of autonomic tone was determined. To diagnose the emotional state, the Lutoshkin technique was used. The tension of the systems of autonomous and central regulation of physiological functions was measured based on temporal analysis of the heart rhythm. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse and mean pressure, double product, Kerdo vegetative index, Myznikov index, and functional changes index were also calculated. A complex indicator of the development of aerobic capacity was found, taking into account the power, capacity, and efficiency of an aerobic source of energy supply to muscles. Based on the sigma scale, 7 gradations for assessing the development of aerobic abilities were identified, namely, very low, low, below average, average, above average, high, very high (above M + 2.0σ). The results obtained show that psychophysiological changes in the functional state during intense cognitive load in children aged 5-6 years largely depend on the development of aerobic capacity. It was found that physically gifted preschoolers with a high level of development of aerobic capacity were distinguished by optimally reduced activity during a calm wakeful state and less pronounced psychophysiological reactivity in conditions of intense cognitive load. They were characterized by increased efficiency of activity and its low psychophysiological cost in combination with increased adaptive potential of the organism.


EDP Sciences

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