Kartono Drajat Tri,Budiati Atik Catur,Suryadinata Theofilus Apolinaris,Bawono Bachtiar Suryo,Andriani Lutfi
An outreach or community service program was conducted in Surakarta City, Indonesia, by developing Inclusion House in collaboration with the Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Firdaus (YLPAF, Al-Firdaus Foundation for Education), which oversees the Al-Firdaus Inclusion School. YLPAF also has a Puspa (Children’s Service Center), which carries out the main task of being a model for an inclusive education resource center. However, YLPAF faces challenges related to inclusive education resource centers in carrying out its duties because the inclusive school network that formed at this time still needs to be improved. This community service is carried out with a focus on Inclusion House, creating an integrated, inclusive school network where YLPAF is the learning resource center. The community service team from UNS acts as a facilitator in the formation of an integrated, inclusive school network in the city of Surakarta. This inclusive school network, formed through community service, connects YLPAF as a resource center for inclusive education with kindergarten, elementary schools, and a natural school. The commitment of schools ratified in a MoU contains a cooperation agreement in assessing special needs students and establishing communication regarding curriculum adaptation and classroom management in the inclusive education cluster network organization.