Camerilova G.S.,Kartavykh M.A.,Ageeva E.L.
The article considers the need to develop professional pedagogical creativity of future teachers as a leading trend in the modernization of higher education. The importance of creativity in the training of teachers is justified by modern humanistic tendencies of social development, which determine significant changes in the organization of the pedagogical process in schools. Innovations in the school education space impose special requirements on the personality of the teacher, updating his creative potential. The study defines the essence of the general category “creativity,” based on which the idea of professional and pedagogical creativity is formed. As an important resource for its development, the independent activities of students are justified, which takes the form of leading activities in the system of higher pedagogical education. The work proposes a model for the development of vocational and pedagogical creativity based on creative independence on the example of the training direction “Pedagogical Education,” the profile “Life Safety,” the theoretical and methodological justification of which is presented by the highlighted principles. In their logic, targeted, meaningful, procedural, reflexive-evaluation components are built. A system of independent activities of students has been designed, uniting the algorithmic, reconstructive-heuristic, creative species that are used in the electronic educational environment of Minin University (MOODLE). The process of development of professional-pedagogical creativity is carried out sequentially and includes motivational-targeted, research, and reflection-evaluation stages. The diagnosis showed the effectiveness of the developed model in the conditions of its implementation in training practice.
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