Influence of involuntary automated motor activity upon voluntary attention and memory


Brunner Eugene,Mokrentsov Denis


The article deals with the changes and interaction of different attention and memory parameters under the influence of involuntary (automated) motor activity. Methodology. To simulate automated motor activity, we used chewing gum. To study attention, we used proofreading. We also tested short-term, long-term and working memory. 66 people at the age from 17 to 24 took part in the research. Conclusions. The conclusion is that automatic motor activity leads to considerable increase of attention and memory. This is expressed in the significant increase in the values of just about all the studied parameters, the change in the structure and strength of correlation relationships, and also (according to the cluster analysis) in the restructuring of the hierarchy of the information processing. The possible mechanisms of the phenomena under observation are discussed.


EDP Sciences

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