Chernenko Eleonora,Lebedeva Inna
The National Healthcare Project, which has been implemented in our country since 2019, includes eight federal projects aimed at developing individual elements of the industry. The federal project "Providing medical organizations of the healthcare system with qualified personnel" is the connecting link of all eight projects. It involves the elimination of the shortage of doctors and nurses in polyclinics, the staffing of medical workers by 95% and an increase in the number of doctors by 10% by the end of 2024. Without a sufficient number of specialists in the industry, its effective work is impossible. The surge in the incidence of coronavirus infection has become another challenge for the healthcare industry and exacerbated the problem of staff shortages. To solve the personnel problem, first of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the imbalance, to understand the incentives of young people who have just come to receive education and in the labor motives and doctors already working in the industry, to know the reasons that force them to leave the profession. The article presents the results of a study of factors-motivators of medical students, as well as medical workers.
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