Globalization as the basis of marketing communication of a multinational company influencing the development of the local circular economy


Darázs Tamás,Šalgovičová Jarmila


Research background: Safe treatment of waste in a way that ensures that future generations of the population can live and raise their offspring in a healthy habitat is one of the challenges we need to address. It is globalization that is becoming the basis for the introduction of such business in our regions, in which companies convince of their good intentions with examples from abroad. Purpose of the article: The work approaches the process of environmental change aimed at fulfilling the essence of the concept of the circular economy. The practical output of the paper is the evaluation of the marketing activities of ewia a. s., the aim of which is to build a facility for energy recovery of waste in the locality of Šaľa and Trnava. The paper presents the results of research focused on the views of the affected population on waste treatment and the construction of a facility for energy recovery of waste. Methods: The work uses empirical methods of observation and experiment to collect and evaluate information. The logical method used in the presented article is comparison and scientific methods are supplemented by analysis and synthesis. A questionnaire is used for the obtained primary data and the obtained results are processed by mathematical-statistical methods and graphical display methods. Findings & Value added: The contribution of the work is to find out the facts about behavioural processes in the minds of consumers in the processes of introducing the circular economy, based on globalization.


EDP Sciences

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