Brief Analysis of the Non-Ruling Parties’ Diplomatic Status and Their Solutions


Wan Jiayi


"Political parties" has become a well-versed term in the political field. Except for a few countries such as Vatican and Saudi Arabia, most countries in the world implement party politics, where state power is held by political parties, whose significance is highlighted in international and domestic societies as a result. The emergence of political parties is a natural result of social development and human activities, and their registration and cancellation are highly uncertain and difficult to count. According to data from the United Nations, there are more than 230 countries and regions in the world, but there are more than 10,000 existing political parties, and the number of governing parties in each country or region is very limited. In addition to political parties such as the Democratic and Republican Parties in the United States, the Labour and Conservative Parties in the United Kingdom, and the Communist Party of China, which hold power and have international implications, this indicates that there are still many non-ruling parties in the international community, whose diplomatic behavior will also affect the direction of the international situation and global development. So the development of diplomacy of these political parties should be sufficiently addressed.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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