Zaitsev Aleksei Anatolievich,Babushkina Larisa Evgenievna,Takanova Olga Vladimirovna,Vasilchenko Tatiana Anatolievna,Ryabchikova Vera Georgievna
The research is devoted to identifying the features of foreign languages training of non-linguistic universities students in the digital environment. The analysis of theory and practice on the research problem allows us to highlight a number of features that affect the formation of foreign language competence of non-linguistic universities students in the foreign languages training. It is worth including among them: updating the multicultural component of foreign languages training in a non-linguistic university; implementation of purposeful work on extracurricular preparation of students for the digital tools using; an electronic information and educational environment creation. The authors emphasize the importance of the multicultural component in foreign languages training, as it contributes to the development of the potential abilities of the students’ linguistic personality. Considering the second feature, the authors especially note that the use of digital tools provides great opportunities for the implementation of a method that most fully reflects the two main principles of the communicative approach to foreign languages training: motivation for learning and personal interest. Students are willingly involved in cognitive activities. The authors associate the third feature with the ability of students to work independently, since it is the independence that makes it possible to successfully adapt to work associated with rapidly changing technologies. This skill is especially important in correspondence or distance learning, when the student’s communication with the teacher is irregular. The presented features, according to the authors, make it possible to change the motivational attitude towards educational and future professional activities.