The Effect of Sikkomodo (Combination of Music, Humor, and Prayer) Formulation Toward Blood Pressure of Hypertension Patient on The Elderly Group in Banyumas Regency


Awaludin S,Sumeru A,Alivian G N,Novitasari D


Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, and stroke. Hence, it needs therapy. There are complementary therapies that can reduce high blood pressure. Music provides a relaxing effect so that blood vessel dilates and blood pressure drops. Humor therapy can provide a relaxation response and decrease blood pressure. Prayer therapy has a positive effect on body physiology that can lower blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of combination of music, humor, and prayertherapy on blood pressure. This study used true experiment pre and post control group design. The number of samples in this study were 131 respondents with primary hypertension on the elderly in Banyumas Regency. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Wilcoxon was used to test the difference of blood pressure before and after the intervention in one group, while the difference test among groups employed Mann Whitney test. The result indicated that respondent’s hypertension is categorized into moderate. There is difference on the mean of blood pressure before and after SIKKOMODO therapy and combination of music, humor, and humor therapy. There is a significant difference in term of systolicblood pressure betweentreatment and control group, and there is no difference on the systolic blood pressure between the two groups.


EDP Sciences

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