Essential characteristics of ethnopolitical communications


Suleymanova Shukran,Dzhanteeva Julieta


The article considers the communicative essence of ethnopolitics and ethnicity. Methodological approach: communication in its political meaning is analyzed as a social phenomenon, covering all aspects of subjective perception, interpretation and assimilation of information by people, all aspects of the process of establishing meaningful contacts between senders and recipients of political information and its application following the intentions of subjects. The authors define communications in the sphere of politics or political communications as meaningful and targeted actions. Results: the norms and values of particular social groups may not coincide with each other, and in this case, it is difficult to speak about the normative-value system of society. However, this allows structuring political communications by distinguishing norms, values and the corresponding political action of individuals, belonging to specific social groups-ethnic, cultural and diaspora. In this case, political communications are a set of culturally determined interactions, which characterize the presence of significant and insignificant differences in the communicating parties in relation to the power, government, party system, and methods of political participation.


EDP Sciences

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