Management of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects in the conditions of risks of quarantine restrictions: strategic and personnel aspects


Zachosova Nataliia,Kutsenko Dmytro,Koval Oleksii,Kovalenko Andrii


The purpose of the study was to develop theoretical and methodological background and to make practical offers for solving the problem of financial and economic security management of critical infrastructure in terms of personnel and strategic aspects. The list of reasons and circumstances of necessity of maintenance of financial and economic security of objects of critical infrastructure and its management is established. The definition of financial and economic security of a critical infrastructure object is offered. The peculiarities of the interpretation of the concept of financial and economic security for the needs of critical infrastructure are summarized. Two levels of financial and economic security management of critical infrastructure objects are distinguished – state (external) level and internal level – and an explanation of the differences in financial and economic security management at each of them is provided. The risks caused by quarantine restrictions for the state of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects have been identified. As a main result of the study the TARGET model for strategic management of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects is proposed. Practical value of the proposed in the study TARGET model for strategic management of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects – it will be the basis for developing strategic documents for stabilizing and further developing and maintaining high functionality of critical infrastructure of Ukraine. As an additional result of the study proposals on the basics of personnel policy formation for the need to ensure financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects in a global pandemic and quarantine restrictions are made. The novelty of proposed personnel policy is in a fact that it contains such modern components as staff training; employee incentives; overcoming resistance to change; staff involvement in solving various issues; staff discipline; leadership, partnership and teamwork; time management and self-management; staff safety, staff digital literacy.


EDP Sciences

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