Development of ecological consciousness of future primary school teachers in the process of professional training


Shpak Valentyna,Moysiyenko Iryna,Ninova Tatyana


The article emphasizes that among the current and promising problems of modern pedagogical science of particular importance is the need to develop ecological consciousness of future primary school teachers in the process of their training. Focusing on modern theories of primary education, philosophy of education, the authors substantiate the acute general need for fundamental changes in the ecological consciousness of future primary school teachers in postclassical education. This is due to the influence of the latest models, tools and services in the context of primary education reform. The essence and the basic contradictions proving necessity of development of ecological consciousness of the future teachers of elementary school in educational process of higher school are considered. The analysis of the concept of “ecological consciousness” is carried out, the structure of ecological consciousness of the future primary school teacher is defined. The presented results of research and experimental work with the involvement of first-third year students of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in specialty 013 “Primary Education” present factual data for the diagnosis of levels of development of environmental knowledge and environmental awareness. The pedagogical conditions that will promote more effective development of ecological consciousness of future primary school teachers in the process of professional training in accordance with globalization changes in the ecological sphere, integration of domestic higher education in the European educational space, social transformations on the way to scientific and technological progress are identified.


EDP Sciences

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