The Relationship Between Spatial Configuration and Social Interaction in High-Rise Flats: A Case Study On The Jatinegara Barat in Jakarta.


Ridwana Rifan,Prayitno Budi,Utomo Hatmoko Adi


The construction of high-rise flats to minimize urban slum areas in Indonesia still create space use behavior problems for its residents due to the changes of space configuration between high-rise landed housing. Conventional high-rise flats cannot well accommodate the needs of social interactions happened in landed housing because of its spatial limitation that leads to uncertainty of space use behavior settings. This study aims to understand the relationship between spatial configuration on high-rise flats and social interaction levels of its residents. The object of study is Jatinegara Barat high-rise flats built to relocate slums community from the landed housing in Kampong Pulo. This study applies mix method research using space syntax method to analyze spatial configuration by looking at connectivity and space integration values, and then comparing it with social interaction data from place centered observation to find out the level of interaction and spaces tendency used interaction place. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the relationship of spatial configuration to social interaction level in Jatinegara Barat flats can be positive or negative. (2) Positive relationships are found on the1st and 2ndfloor areas. High configuration values with high interaction levels are found in shared spaces on the 1st and 2nd floors with characteristics such as open space, large space, and availability of interaction supporting elements, while low configuration values with low interaction levels are found in more confined spaces such as private spaces and narrow corridors. (3) Negative relationships are found in the corridor and shared space in front of the elevator on each typical floors. Shared space in front of the elevator that has high spatial configuration value with large area show a low level of social interaction. While corridor with lower configuration value with the narrow area but have supporting elements such as chairs, mats, and shops have a higher level of social interaction. (4) This study shows that in the case of the relationship between spatial configuration and social interaction, availability of interaction supporting elements has greater influence rather than any other spatial factors.


EDP Sciences

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