Bachmayr Markus,Cohen Albert,Migliorati Giovanni
We consider the linear elliptic equation −
div(a∇u) = f on
some bounded domain D, where a has the affine form a = a(y) = ā + ∑j≥1yjψj for some parameter vector y =
(yj)j ≥ 1 ∈
U = [−1,1]N. We study the summability
properties of polynomial expansions of the solution map
y → u(y) ∈ V := H01(D)
. We consider both Taylor series and Legendre series.
Previous results [A. Cohen, R. DeVore and C. Schwab, Anal. Appl. 9
(2011) 11–47] show that, under a uniform ellipticity assuption, for any
0 <p<
1, the ℓp summability of the
(∥ψj∥L∞)j ≥
1 implies the ℓp summability of the
V-norms of
the Taylor or Legendre coefficients. Such results ensure convergence rates n−
s of polynomial approximations obtained by best
truncation of such series, with s = (1/p)−1
in L∞(U,V) or
s = (1/p)−(1/2)
in L2(U,V). In this paper
we considerably improve these results by providing sufficient conditions of
ℓp summability of the
coefficient V-norm sequences expressed in terms of the pointwise
summability properties of the (|ψj|)j ≥
1. The approach in the present paper strongly differs from that
of [A. Cohen, R. DeVore and C. Schwab, Anal. Appl. 9 (2011)
11–47], which is based on individual estimates of the coefficient norms obtained by the
Cauchy formula applied to a holomorphic extension of the solution map. Here, we use
weighted summability estimates, obtained by real-variable arguments. While the obtained
results imply those of [7] as a particular case,
they lead to a refined analysis which takes into account the amount of overlap between the
supports of the ψj. For instance, in
the case of disjoint supports, these results imply that for all 0 <p< 2, the
ℓp summability of the
coefficient V-norm sequences follows from the weaker assumption
that (∥ψj∥L∞)j ≥
1 is ℓq summable for
q = q(p) := 2p/(2−p)
. We provide a simple analytic example showing that this
result is in general optimal and illustrate our findings by numerical experiments. The
analysis in the present paper applies to other types of linear PDEs with similar affine
parametrization of the coefficients, and to more general Jacobi polynomial expansions.
Applied Mathematics,Modelling and Simulation,Numerical Analysis,Analysis,Computational Mathematics
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44 articles.