1. C. Baehr,Modélisation probabiliste des écoulements atmosphériques turbulents afin d'en filtrer la mesure par approche particulaire.Ph.D. Thesis University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, Toulouse Mathematics Institute, France (2008).
2. C. Baehr and F. Legland,Some Mean-Field Processes Filtering using Particles System Approximations. In preparation.
3. C. Baehr and O. Pannekoucke, Some issues and results on the EnKF and particle filters for meteorological models, inChaotic Systems: Theory and Applications, C.H. Skiadas and I. Dimotikalis Eds., World Scientific (2010).
4. Flots et series de Taylor stochastiques
5. Convergence rate for the approximation of the limit law of weakly interacting particles: application to the Burgers equation