Discovery and timing of ten new millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster Terzan 5


Padmanabh P. V.ORCID,Ransom S. M.,Freire P. C. C.ORCID,Ridolfi A.,Taylor J. D.ORCID,Choza C.,Clark C. J.ORCID,Abbate F.ORCID,Bailes M.,Barr E. D.ORCID,Buchner S.,Burgay M.ORCID,DeCesar M. E.,Chen W.,Corongiu A.ORCID,Champion D. J.ORCID,Dutta A.,Geyer M.,Hessels J. W. T.,Kramer M.,Possenti A.ORCID,Stairs I. H.ORCID,Stappers B. W.,Venkatraman Krishnan V.ORCID,Vleeschower L.,Zhang L.ORCID


We report the discovery of ten new pulsars in the globular cluster Terzan 5 as part of the Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT (TRAPUM) Large Survey Project. We observed Terzan 5 at L-band (856–1712 MHz) with the MeerKAT radio telescope for four hours on two epochs, and performed acceleration searches of 45 out of 288 tied-array beams covering the core of the cluster. We obtained phase-connected timing solutions for all ten discoveries, covering nearly two decades of archival observations from the Green Bank Telescope for all but one. Highlights include PSR J1748−2446ao which is an eccentric (e = 0.32) wide-orbit (orbital period Pb = 57.55 d) system. We were able to measure the rate of advance of periastron (ω̇) for this system allowing us to determine a total mass of 3.17 ± 0.02 M. With a minimum companion mass (Mc) of ∼0.8 M, PSR J1748−2446ao is a candidate double neutron star (DNS) system. If confirmed to be a DNS, it would be the fastest spinning pulsar (P = 2.27 ms) and the longest orbital period measured for any known DNS system. PSR J1748−2446ap has the second highest eccentricity for any recycled pulsar (e ∼ 0.905) and for this system we can measure the total mass (1.997 ± 0.006 M) and estimate the pulsar and companion masses, (1.700−0.045+0.015M and 0.294−0.014+0.046M, respectively). PSR J1748−2446ar is an eclipsing redback (minimum Mc ∼ 0.34 M) system whose properties confirm it to be the counterpart to a previously published source identified in radio and X-ray imaging. We were also able to detect ω̇ for PSR J1748−2446au leading to a total mass estimate of 1.82 ± 0.07 M and indicating that the system is likely the result of Case A Roche lobe overflow. With these discoveries, the total number of confirmed pulsars in Terzan 5 is 49, the highest for any globular cluster so far. These discoveries further enhance the rich set of pulsars known in Terzan 5 and provide scope for a deeper understanding of binary stellar evolution, cluster dynamics and ensemble population studies.


NSERC Discovery Grant

National Natural Science Foundation of China






Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale - Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese - Progetto di Grande Rilevanza ZA18GR02


EDP Sciences







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