

Van De Putte DriesORCID,Meshaka Raphael,Trahin Boris,Habart Emilie,Peeters ElsORCID,Berné OlivierORCID,Alarcón FelipeORCID,Canin Amélie,Chown Ryan,Schroetter IlaneORCID,Sidhu Ameek,Boersma ChristiaanORCID,Bron Emeric,Dartois EmmanuelORCID,Goicoechea Javier R.ORCID,Gordon Karl D.ORCID,Onaka Takashi,Tielens Alexander G. G. M.,Verstraete Laurent,Wolfire Mark G.,Abergel Alain,Bergin Edwin A.,Bernard-Salas JeronimoORCID,Cami JanORCID,Cuadrado Sara,Dicken DanielORCID,Elyajouri MeriemORCID,Fuente AsunciónORCID,Joblin ChristineORCID,Khan Baria,Lacinbala Ozan,Languignon David,Le Gal RomaneORCID,Maragkoudakis Alexandros,Okada YokoORCID,Pasquini SofiaORCID,Pound Marc W.ORCID,Robberto MassimoORCID,Röllig Markus,Schefter BethanyORCID,Schirmer Thiébaut,Tabone Benoit,Vicente Sílvia,Zannese MarionORCID,Colgan Sean W. J.,He JinhuaORCID,Rouillé GaëlORCID,Togi Aditya,Aleman IsabelORCID,Auchettl Rebecca,Baratta Giuseppe AntonioORCID,Bejaoui Salma,Bera Partha P.,Black John H.ORCID,Boulanger Francois,Bouwman JordyORCID,Brandl BernhardORCID,Brechignac Philippe,Brünken SandraORCID,Buragohain Mridusmita,Burkhardt Andrew,Candian AlessandraORCID,Cazaux Stéphanie,Cernicharo JoseORCID,Chabot Marin,Chakraborty ShubhadipORCID,Champion Jason,Cooke Ilsa R.,Coutens AudreyORCID,Cox Nick L. J.ORCID,Demyk KarineORCID,Meyer Jennifer DonovanORCID,Foschino Sacha,García-Lario Pedro,Gerin Maryvonne,Gottlieb Carl A.ORCID,Guillard PierreORCID,Gusdorf Antoine,Hartigan PatrickORCID,Herbst Eric,Hornekaer Liv,Issa Lina,Jäger CorneliaORCID,Janot-Pacheco Eduardo,Kannavou Olga,Kaufman MichaelORCID,Kemper FranciscaORCID,Kendrew SarahORCID,Kirsanova Maria S.ORCID,Klaassen Pamela,Kwok SunORCID,Labiano ÁlvaroORCID,Lai Thomas S.-Y.,Le Floch Bertrand,Le Petit Franck,Li AigenORCID,Linz Hendrik,Mackie Cameron J.,Madden Suzanne C.ORCID,Mascetti JoëlleORCID,McGuire Brett A.,Merino Pablo,Micelotta Elisabetta R.,Morse Jon A.ORCID,Mulas GiacomoORCID,Neelamkodan NaslimORCID,Ohsawa RyouORCID,Omont Alain,Paladini Roberta,Palumbo Maria ElisabettaORCID,Pathak AmitORCID,Pendleton Yvonne J.ORCID,Petrignani AnnemiekeORCID,Pino Thomas,Puga Elena,Rangwala NaseemORCID,Rapacioli MathiasORCID,Rho Jeonghee,Ricca AlessandraORCID,Roman-Duval Julia,Roser JosephORCID,Roueff EvelyneORCID,Salama FaridORCID,Sales Dinalva A.ORCID,Sandstrom Karin,Sarre PeterORCID,Sciamma-O’Brien Ella,Sellgren Kris,Shenoy Sachindev S.,Teyssier David,Thomas Richard D.ORCID,Witt Adolf N.ORCID,Wootten AlwynORCID,Ysard Nathalie,Zettergren HenningORCID,Zhang YongORCID,Zhang Ziwei E.ORCID,Zhen Junfeng


Context. Mid-infrared emission features are important probes of the properties of ionized gas and hot or warm molecular gas, which are difficult to probe at other wavelengths. The Orion Bar photodissociation region (PDR) is a bright, nearby, and frequently studied target containing large amounts of gas under these conditions. Under the “PDRs4All” Early Release Science Program for JWST, a part of the Orion Bar was observed with MIRI integral field unit (IFU) spectroscopy, and these high-sensitivity IR spectroscopic images of very high angular resolution (0.2″) provide a rich observational inventory of the mid-infrared (MIR) emission lines, while resolving the H II region, the ionization front, and multiple dissociation fronts. Aims. We list, identify, and measure the most prominent gas emission lines in the Orion Bar using the new MIRI IFU data. An initial analysis summarizes the physical conditions of the gas and demonstrates the potential of these new data and future IFU observations with JWST. Methods. The MIRI IFU mosaic spatially resolves the substructure of the PDR, its footprint cutting perpendicularly across the ionization front and three dissociation fronts. We performed an up-to-date data reduction, and extracted five spectra that represent the ionized, atomic, and molecular gas layers. We identified the observed lines through a comparison with theoretical line lists derived from atomic data and simulated PDR models. The identified species and transitions are summarized in the main table of this work, with measurements of the line intensities and central wavelengths. Results. We identified around 100 lines and report an additional 18 lines that remain unidentified. The majority consists of H I recombination lines arising from the ionized gas layer bordering the PDR. The H I line ratios are well matched by emissivity coefficients from H recombination theory, but deviate by up to 10% because of contamination by He I lines. We report the observed emission lines of various ionization stages of Ne, P, S, Cl, Ar, Fe, and Ni. We show how the Ne III/Ne II, S IV/S III, and Ar III/Ar II ratios trace the conditions in the ionized layer bordering the PDR, while Fe III/Fe II and Ni III/Ni II exhibit a different behavior, as there are significant contributions to Fe II and Ni II from the neutral PDR gas. We observe the pure-rotational H2 lines in the vibrational ground state from 0–0 S(1) to 0–0 S (8), and in the first vibrationally excited state from 1–1 S (5) to 1–1 S(9). We derive H2 excitation diagrams, and for the three observed dissociation fronts, the rotational excitation can be approximated with one thermal (~700 K) component representative of an average gas temperature, and one nonthermal component (~2700 K) probing the effect of UV pumping. We compare these results to an existing model of the Orion Bar PDR, and find that the predicted excitation matches the data qualitatively, while adjustments to the parameters of the PDR model are required to reproduce the intensity of the 0–0 S (6) to S (8) lines.


San José State University



Institutes of Eminence

Banaras Hindu University

Chinese Academy of Sciences South America Center for Astronomy


European Research Council

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Space Telescope Science Institute

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades


EDP Sciences








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