The SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey


McCall HannahORCID,Reiprich Thomas H.ORCID,Veronica AngieORCID,Pacaud FlorianORCID,Sanders JeremyORCID,Edler Henrik W.ORCID,Brüggen MarcusORCID,Bulbul EsraORCID,de Gasperin FrancescoORCID,Gatuzz EfrainORCID,Liu AngORCID,Merloni AndreaORCID,Migkas KonstantinosORCID,Zhang XiaoyuanORCID


Context. As the closest galaxy cluster, the Virgo Cluster is an exemplary environment for the study of the large-scale filamentary structure and physical effects that are present in cluster outskirts but absent from the more easily studied inner regions. Aims. Here, we present an analysis of the SRG/eROSITA data from five all-sky surveys. Methods. eROSITA allows us to resolve the entire Virgo cluster and its outskirts on scales between 1 kpc and 3 Mpc, covering a total area on the sky of about 25° by 25°. We utilized image manipulation techniques and surface brightness profiles to search for extended emission, surface brightness edges, and features in the outskirts. We employed a method of comparing mean and median profiles to measure gas clumping out to and beyond the virial radius. Results. Surface brightness analysis of the cluster and individual sectors of the cluster reveal the full extent of previously identified cold fronts to the north and south. The emissivity bias due to gas clumping, which we quantify over three orders of magnitude in the radial range, is found to be mild, consistent with previous findings. We find uniform clumping measurements in all directions, with no enhancements along candidate filaments. We find an estimated virial gas mass of Mgas, r < r200 = (1.98 ± 0.70)×1013 M. Through imaging analysis we detect the presence of extended emission spanning 320 kpc to the southwest of M49. The extension has a significance of 3.15σ and is coincident with radio emission detected with LOFAR, which could be evidence of an accretion shock or turbulent reacceleration as the M49 group or background W′ cloud falls into the cluster and interacts with the intracluster medium.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

ERC Consolidator Grant ULU


EDP Sciences

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