Effects of galaxy environment on merger fraction


Pearson W. J.ORCID,Santos D. J. D.ORCID,Goto T.,Huang T.-C.,Kim S. J.ORCID,Matsuhara H.,Pollo A.ORCID,Ho S. C.-C.,Hwang H. S.,Małek K.ORCID,Nakagawa T.ORCID,Romano M.ORCID,Serjeant S.ORCID,Suelves L. E.ORCID,Shim H.ORCID,White G. J.


Aims. In this work we examine how environment influences the merger fraction, from the low density field environment to higher density groups and clusters. We also study how the properties of a group or cluster, as well as the position of a galaxy in the group or cluster, influences the merger fraction. Methods. We identified galaxy groups and clusters in the North Ecliptic Pole using a friends-of-friends algorithm and the local density. Once identified, we determined the central galaxies, group radii, velocity dispersions, and group masses of these groups and clusters. Merging systems were identified with a neural network as well as visually. With these identifications and properties of groups and clusters and merging galaxy identifications, we examined how the merger fraction changes as the local density changes for all galaxies as well as how the merger fraction changes as the properties of the groups or clusters change. Results. We find that the merger fraction increases as local density increases and decreases as the velocity dispersion increases, as is often found in the literature. A decrease in merger fraction as the group mass increases is also found. We also find that groups with larger radii have higher merger fractions. The number of galaxies in a group does not influence the merger fraction. Conclusions. The decrease in merger fraction as group mass increases is a result of the link between group mass and velocity dispersion. Hence, this decrease in merger fraction with increasing mass is a result of the decrease of merger fraction with velocity dispersion. The increasing relation between group radii and merger fraction may be a result of larger groups having smaller velocity dispersion at a larger distance from the centre or larger groups hosting smaller, infalling groups with more mergers. However, we do not find evidence of smaller groups having higher merger fractions.


Narodowe Centrum Nauki

Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki

Polska Akademia Nauk

Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan

ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery

ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions

National Research Foundation of Korea

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej

Leverhulme Trust


EDP Sciences

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