Current state and perspectives of Space Weather science in Italy


Plainaki ChristinaORCID,Antonucci Marco,Bemporad Alessandro,Berrilli Francesco,Bertucci Bruna,Castronuovo Marco,De Michelis Paola,Giardino Marco,Iuppa Roberto,Laurenza Monica,Marcucci Federica,Messerotti Mauro,Narici Livio,Negri Barbara,Nozzoli Francesco,Orsini Stefano,Romano Vincenzo,Cavallini Enrico,Polenta Gianluca,Ippolito Alessandro


Italian teams have been involved many times in Space Weather observational campaigns from space and from the ground, contributing in the advancing of our knowledge on the properties and evolution of the related phenomena. Numerous Space Weather forecasting and now-casting modeling efforts have resulted in a remarkable add-on to the overall progress in the field, at both national and international level. The Italian Space Agency has participated several times in space missions with science objectives related to Space Weather; indeed, an important field for the Italian scientific and industrial communities interested in Heliophysics and Space Weather, is the development of new instrumentation for future space missions. In this paper, we present a brief state-of-the-art in Space Weather science in Italy and we discuss some ideas on a long-term plan for the support of future scientific research in the related disciplines. In the context of the current roadmap, the Italian Space Agency aims to assess the possibility to develop a national scientific Space Weather data centre to encourage synergies between different science teams with interest in the field and to motivate innovation and new mission concept development. Alongside with the proposed recommendations, we also discuss how the Italian expertise could complement international efforts in a wider international Space Weather context.


EDP Sciences


Space and Planetary Science,Atmospheric Science

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