Le Bolloc'h D.,Ravy S.,Senzier P.,Pasquier C.,Detlefs C.
The correlation length of the charge density wave ordering in Rb0.3, MoO, has been studied by x-ray
diffraction under electric field applied along the one-dimensional axis. The (10, 0.25, -5.5) satellite reflection has
been measured in 3D, using high Q-resolution available at the ESRF. Under electrical field, the satellite reaches two
stable positions depending on the temperature. It can switch from one to another as a function of the temperature and
the current with very long relaxation times ($\rm 10^{th}$ of minutes). After several cycling with T and E, the satellite
reflection is found to shift in the 3 main directions. The width of the satellite is reduced by a factor of two in the
k-direction and an increase of the transverse correlation length is observed in the two others: the ordered domains look
elongated, reaching until 5000 Å in the direction of the applied field and around 1OOO Å, in the perpendicular
General Physics and Astronomy
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2 articles.