1. Shubert J, Ritchie EC, Everly GS Jr, Fiedler N, Williams MB, Mitchell CS, Langlieb AM.Amissing element in disaster mental health: behavioral health surveillance for first responders.Int J Emerg Ment Health. 2007 Summer; 9(3): 201-13.
2. Ritchie EC.Update on combat psychiatry: from the battle front to the home front and back again.Mil Med. 2007 Dec; 172(12 Suppl):11-4.
3. Benedek DM, Ritchie EC. “Just-in-time” mental health training and surveillance for the Project HOPE mission.Mil Med. 2006 Oct; 171(10 Suppl 1): 63-5.
4. Cardona RA, Ritchie EC.U.S. military enlisted accession mental health screening: history and current practice.Mil Med. 2007 Jan; 172(1): 31-5.
5. Ritchie EC, Benedek D, Malone R, Carr- Malone R.Psychiatry and the military: an update.Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2006 Sep; 29(3): 695-707.