Chronicles of the midnight strain: Exploring graveyard shift stress and its impact on employee burnout in call centers


Saiyed Sahilali,Shih I-Tung,Urooj Bushra,Hariyadi Eko,Chiou Kuo-Ching


This study, titled “Chronicles of the Midnight Strain: Exploring Graveyard Shift Stress and Its Impact on Employee Burnout in Call Centers,” delves into the intricate relationship between the demanding nature of graveyard shift work in call centers and its potential consequences on employee burnout. The research adopts a comprehensive approach, investigating various factors such as electronic performance monitoring, job demands, physiological indicators, and the role of lifestyle factors in cardiovascular health. Drawing from a vast array of literature, the study explores the causal links and mechanisms of action, emphasizing the significant role of sleep disruption and circadian rhythm desynchronization in contributing to cardiovascular disease among shift workers. Additionally, it considers the impact of stress, working hours, and dietary patterns on the overall well- being of employees working during the unconventional hours of the night. The study reviews existing theories proposing connections between shiftwork, sleep loss, and cardiovascular diseases. It scrutinizes factors like inflammation, blood coagulation, cardiac autonomic function, and the interplay between stress-related hormones and cardiovascular health. Multiple hypotheses are examined, including the influence of a stressful work environment, disturbed sleep on the immune system, and lifestyle factors such as dietary habits and substance use. Despite over two decades of continuous research, the findings in this area remain inconclusive regarding the precise role of shiftwork in cardiovascular disease. The study aims to contribute valuable insights into mitigating the potential adverse effects of graveyard shift stress on employee burnout in call centers, providing a foundation for further research and the development of targeted interventions.


EDP Sciences

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