1. Sonkusare Dr. Reena Ghosh, Laddha Sanskar, Kulkarni Sudhanshu, Music Recommendation System Based On Emotion Detection Using Image Processing And Deep Networks, 2nd International Conference On Intelligent Technologies, CONIT Karnataka, India, June 24-26, (2022).
2. Vora Freya, Vidhani Prof. Sanjay, Karambelkar Arya, Mamania Pram, Chhadwa Jainam, Mood Indicator: Music And Movie Recommendation System Using Facial Emotion, 5th International Conference On Advances In Science And Technology, ICAST (2022).
3. Kumar Sumit, Kumar Vicky, Venkateshwari P., Music Recommendation based on User Mood, 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development, (2022).
4. Panneerselvam A., Sneharanthna V., Gumasekar M., Logeswaran K., Suganneshan M., Improved Facial Emotion Recognition using Yolo and DeepFace for Music suggestion, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems, ICESC, (2022).
5. Gajam Sanchit, Lahoti Madhav, Raul Nataasha, Kasat Aditya, Music Recommendation system based on facial mood detection, Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT, (2022).