Calibration of a Single-Cell Calorimeter in a New Transient-state Test Bench


Burn J.,Reynard-Carette C.,Carette M.,Lyoussi A.,Volte A.,Tarchalski M.,Prokopowicz R.


The nuclear radiation energy deposition rate is a key value for the thermal design of experiments, on materials and nuclear fuels, carried out in experimental channels of nuclear research reactors. Studies are led for two kinds of sensor currently dedicated to quantifying this value and corresponding to calorimeter. Development of new sensors but also improvement of their calibration and their associated interpretation methods are necessary. These aims are possible by many ways such as numerical simulations of sensor, characterizations under laboratory conditions and experimental campaign under irradiation conditions. The calibration step under non-irradiation conditions represents a crucial phase. This phase requires the development of specific benches. The present paper focuses on a new thermal-transient bench and its use to perform calibration of a polish single-cell calorimeter. The new bench is detailed. First studies of the influence of external conditions (temperature, velocity) on the calorimeter sensitivity are presented and discussed.


EDP Sciences

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