Metel Alexander,Mustafaev Enver,Melnik Yury,Hamdy Khaled
We present a new method of product processing with beams of accelerated electrons and fast neutral atoms, which are generated by an immersed in plasma grid under a high negative voltage of 5 kV. The electrons appear due to secondary emission from the grid surface provoked by its bombardment with ions accelerated from the plasma. At the gas pressure not exceeding 0.1 Pa the ions with energy of 5 keV reach the grid without collisions in the space charge sheaths near its surface and their current in the grid circuit is by 2-3 times lower than the electron current. At higher pressures accelerated ions due to charge exchange collisions in the sheaths turn into fast neutral atoms leaving the sheaths and forming the beams. With the pressure increasing, the electron beam current diminishes and the current of fast atom beam grows.