Non-Euclidean Biosymmetries and Algebraic Harmony in Genomes of Higher and Lower Organisms


Petoukhov Sergey,Petukhova Elena,Svirin Vitaly


The article is devoted to the study of the relationship of non-Euclidean symmetries in inherited biostructures with algebraic features of information nucleotide sequences in DNA molecules in the genomes of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. These genomic sequences obey the universal hyperbolic rules of the oligomer cooperative organization, which are associated with the harmonic progression 1/1, 1/2, 1/3,.., 1/n. The progression has long been known and studied in various branches of mathematics and physics. Now it has manifested itself in genetic informatics. The performed analysis of the harmonic progression revealed its connection with the cross-ratio, which is the main invariant of projective geometry. This connection consists in the fact that the magnitude of the cross-ratio is the same and is equal to 4/3 for any four adjacent members of this progression. The long DNA nucleotide sequences have fractal-like structure with so called epi-chains, whose structures are also related to the harmonic progression and the projective-geometrical symmetries. The received results are related additionally to a consideration of DNA double helix as helical antenna. This fact of the connection of genetic informatics with the main invariant of projective geometry can be used to explain the implementation of some non-Euclidean symmetries in genetically inherited structures of living bodies.


EDP Sciences

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5. Petoukhov S.V., Preprints 2020, 2020050471 (2020) DOI: 10.20944/preprints202005.0471.v2.







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