The PANDORA project: an experimental setup for measuring in-plasma β-decays of astrophysical interest


Mascali David,Busso Maurizio,Mengoni Alberto,Amaducci Simone,Giuseppe Castro,Celona Luigi,Cosentino Gianluigi,Cristallo Sergio,Finocchiaro Paolo,Galata Alessio,Gammino Santo,Massimi Cristian,Maggiore Mario,Mauro Giorgio,Maria Mazzaglia,Naselli Eugenia,Odorici Fabrizio,Palmerini Sara,Santonocito Domenico,Giuseppe Torrisi


Experiments performed on Storage Rings have shown that lifetimes of beta-radionuclides can change dramatically as a function of theionization state. PANDORA (Plasmas for Astrophysics, Nuclear Decay Observation and Radiation for Archaeometry) aims at measuring, for the first time, nuclear β-decay rates in stellar-like conditions, especially for radionuclides involved in nuclear-astrophysics processes (BBN, s- processing, CosmoChronometers, Early Solar System formation). Compact magnetic plasma traps, where plasmas reach density ne~10n-1014 cm-3, and temperature Te~0.1-30 keV, are suitable for such studies. The decay rates can be measured as a function of the charge state distribution of the inplasma ions. The collaboration is now designing the plasma trap able to reach the needed plasma densities, temperatures and charge states distributions. A first list of radioisotopes, including tens of physics cases of potential interest is now available. Possible physics cases include, among the others, 2°4Tl, 63Ni, 6°Co, 171Tm, 147Pm, 85Kr, 176Lu and the pairs 187Re-187Os and 87Sr-87Rb, which play a crucial role as cosmo-clock. Physics cases are now under evaluation in terms of lifetime measurements feasibility in a plasma trap.


EDP Sciences

Reference13 articles.

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5. Gallino R. and Busso M. 1986, in “From Nuclei to Stars”. Proceedings of theInternational School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Course XCI (North-Holland:Amsterdam).

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