This paper presents the qualification of the newly developed Westinghouse lattice physics code PARAGON2. PARAGON2 uses high energy resolution in the solution of the transport equation. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that PARAGON2 accurately predicts the integral and critical experiments. The integral experiments are used to assess PARAGON2 predictions of fine neutronics parameters such as: resonance integrals and radial profiles of reactions rates, isotopics, and burnup for depleted pellets. The integral experiments considered are: the Hellstrand’s, TRX, and the PIE experiments. For critical experiments, this paper will focus only on VENUS-2 MOX critical experiment.
The results obtained for the integral experiments clearly show the good predictions of PARAGON2 with the resonance scattering model which are close to measurement. The PARAGON2 predicted capture reaction rates, temperature coefficients, burnup and isotopic profiles match the measured values both in shape and magnitude. VENUS-2 reactivity prediction is in excellent agreement with the critical measurement value. Also, the standard deviations of measured minus predicted pin-wise fission reaction rates are very good (i.e. ≤ 2%) for both individual assemblies and the whole core.
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