Ruan Zhenglin,Guo Haibing
In simulation of advanced nuclear reactors, requirements like high precision, high efficiency and convenient to multi-physics coupling are putting forward. The deterministic transport method has the advantage of high efficiency, capable of obtaining detailed flux distribution and efficient in multi-physics coupling, but its accuracy is limited by the homogenized reaction cross-section data and core modelling exactness. The traditional two-steps homogenization strategy may introduce substantial deviation during the assembly calculation. It is possible to conduct a whole core deterministic transport simulation pin-by-pin to achieve higher accuracy, which eliminates the assembly homogenization process. The C5G7 benchmarks were proposed to test the ability of a modern deterministic transport code in analyzing whole core reactor problems without spatial homogenization. Different deterministic code that developed by different methods were applied to the benchmark simulation and some of them solved the benchmark accurately. However, there still exist some drawbacks in the given calculation processes which carried out by some other deterministic transport codes and we could find that the fuel pin cell in the assembly were not exactly geometrically modelled owing to the limit of the code. Consequently, the calculation precision could be improved by utilizing a high-fidelity geometry modelling. In this paper, the C5G7 benchmarks with different control rod position and different configuration were calculated by the finite element SN neutron transport code ENTER [1], and the results were presented after massively parallel computation on TIANHE-II supercomputer. By introducing a large scale high-fidelity unstructured meshes, high fidelity distributions of power and neutron flux were gained and compared with the results from other codes, excellent consistency were observed. To sum up, the ENTER code can meet those new requirements in simulation of advanced nuclear reactors and more works and researches will be implemented for a further improvement.
Reference8 articles.
1. Guo Haibing, Huang Hongwen, Ma Jimin, et al., “Parallelization of the finite element SN neutron transport simulation based on domain decomposition,” Atomic Energy Science and Technology, 2020 (In Press, in Chinese)
2. NEA, “Benchmark on Deterministic Transport Calculations Without Spatial Homogenization,” OECD. (2005):
3. Solution of the C5G7 3-D extension benchmark by the SN code TORT
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