1. Minkowski P. and Kabana S., ’Oscillatory modes of quarks in baryons for 3 quark flavors u,d,s’, EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 71, 2014, 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics, ICNFP2013.
2. Minkowski P., ’Count of oscillatory modes of quarks in baryons for 3 quark flavors u,d,s’, URL: http://www.mink.itp.unibe.ch in ’Lectures and talks’, file: Countoscmodes2013.pdf, 56 pp.
3. Minkowski P., ’Oscillatory modes of quarks in baryons for 3 quark flavors u, d, s’, URL: http://www.mink.itp.unibe.ch in ’Lectures and talks’, file: oscimodes-fl6.pdf, 150 pp.
4. On the oscillatory modes of quarks in baryons
5. Review of Particle Physics