Pham Francis,Dossett David,Sevior Martin
In 2019 a Python plugin package, b2cal, based on the Apache Airflow workflow management platform was developed to automate the calibration at Belle II. It uses Directed Acyclic Graphs to describe the ordering of processes and Flask to provide administration and job submission web pages. This system was hosted in Melbourne, Australia and submitted calibration jobs to the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization in Japan. In 2020 the b2cal was dockerised and deployed at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Laboratory in Germany. Improvements have been implemented that allow jobs to be submitted to multiple calibration centers and for the amount of required human interactions to be greatly reduced. All job submissions and validation of calibration constants now occur as soon as possible. In this paper, we describe the upgrades to the automated calibration at Belle II.
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