XSUN-2022/SUSD3D n/γ sensitivity-uncertainty code package with recent JEFF-3.3 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 covariance data


Kodeli Ivan A.


A new version of the XSUN-2022 computer code package is under preparation to be released through NEA Data Bank which includes the latest updates of the SUSD3D sensitivity/uncertainty (S/U) code and the corresponding cross section and covariance matrix libraries based on the JEFF-3.3, ENDF/B-VIII.0 and FENDL-3.2 evaluations. The XSUN code package is a user–computer interface environment, written in Xbase++ ® and using Compiler 1.90.331 and Alaska 32-Bit Linker, for user-friendly pre- and post-processing of the input and output data for a complete and self-consistent set of deterministic codes. The flowchart integrates the codes TRANSX, PARTISN, and SUSD3D, all available from the OECD/NEA Data Bank and RSICC. The codes are used for the preparation of multigroup nuclear cross-section, neutron and gamma transport calculations for criticality and shielding calculations and nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty calculations, respectively. XSUN-2022 is the 3rdreleased version, after XSUN-2013 and -2017.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference29 articles.

1. Kodeli I., Slavič S., “XSUN-2013, Windows interface environment for transport and sensitivityuncertainty software TRANSX-2, PARTISN and SUSD3D”, OECD NEA code package NEA-1882 (http://www.oecd-nea.org/tools/abstract/detail/nea-1882/) and RSICC code package CCC-825

2. SUSD3D Computer Code as Part of the XSUN-2017 Windows Interface Environment for Deterministic Radiation Transport and Cross-Section Sensitivity-Uncertainty Analysis

3. MacFarlane R. E., TRANSX 2.15, Code System to Produce Neutron, Photon, and Particle Transport Tables for Discrete-Ordinates and Diffusion Codes from Cross Sections in MATXS Format, RSICC Peripheral Shielding Routine Collection, PSR-317 (1995)

4. Alcouffe R. E., Baker R.S., Dahl J.A., Turner S.A., Ward R.C., PARTISN 5.97, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D Time-Dependent, Multigroup Deterministic Parallel Neutral Particle Transport Code, LA-UR08-07258, NEA/Data Bank CCC-0760/01 computer code collection, November 2008

5. Multidimensional Deterministic Nuclear Data Sensitivity and Uncertainty Code System: Method and Application

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