1. Bignan G., Bravo X. and Lemoine P.M., “The Jules Horowitz Reactor: A new high Performances European MTR (Material Testing Reactor) with modern experimental capacities: Toward an International Centre of Excellence”, Proceedings of Conferences RRFM and IGORR 2012, pp. 2125, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-22 March 2012.
2. Lyoussi A., Fourmentel D., Villard J-F., Malo J-Y., uimbal P., Carcreff H., Gonnier C., Bignan G., Chauvin J-P., Reynard-Carette C., Brun J., Merroun O., Carette M., Muraglia M., Janulyte A., Zerega Y. and Andre J., “Advanced methodology and instrumentation for accurate on line measurements of neutron, photon and nuclear heating parameters inside Jules Horowitz MTR Reactor”, Proceedings of Conferences RRFM and IGORR 2012, pp. 21-25, Prague, Czech Republic, 18-22 March 2012.
3. Recent developments in nuclear heating measurement methods inside the OSIRIS reactor
4. Study of the Response of a New Compact Calorimetric Cell for Nuclear Heating Rate Measurements