Arakelian S.M.,Kucherik A.O.,Khudaberganov T.A.,Bukharov D.N.
Nanocluster structures can be easily modified in necessary direction and by controlled way in femtonanophotonics experiments. The variation of the key topology parameters can result in new type of the quantum correlation states/size effect for charged particles.
In our earlier experiments we studied laser-induced topological nanoclusters structures of different types in thin films with unique phenomena in electrophysics and optics (see [1-3]). A simple 2-steps mechanism for enhancement of quantum behavior (e.g. in electroconductivity) exists for different conditions. First, when inelastic length linelastic > acluster we have no incoherent electron-phonon (e-ph) scattering, i.e. the coherent process takes place. Second, when de Broglie wave length λdB ≡ ℓcoh < Λ, (acluster – cluster size , Λ – spatial period of nanoparticle distribution) the coherent tunneling without loss occurs, and a long-range order with interference of the states takes place in the medium due to lattice structure.