A safe, reliable and regenerative electrical energy supply to power the future


Weber H.,Ahmed N.


Today, three phenomena are developing into critical global problems, requiring urgent attention from leaders all over the world. The first of these is the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions due to the escalated use of coal, resulting in the gradual increase of the Earth’s average temperature. The second is the continually diminishing fossil fuel resources, e.g. oil and natural gas, which are the primary sources of energy for vital services like transportation and domestic heating. The third is the unforeseen and rapid “world population boom” since the beginning of the 19th century after the invention of the steam engine by JamesWatt. The combination of these three factors signal imminent danger. With the increase of the world population, there is a subsequent rise in the usage of both electrical and non-electrical types of energy. At the same time, not only are the sources of these energy forms, i.e. the fossil fuels, depleting because they are non-renewable but their usage is also severely detrimental to the environment. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and switch to renewable or even nuclear resources as alternatives, in order to prevent an impending climate disaster. Hence, taking the aforementioned problems into account, a method is proposed in this paper to create a safe, reliable and regenerative electrical energy supply system using renewable wind and solar energy as well as hydrogen storages.


EDP Sciences

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