Study of wave propagation in poroviscoelastic halfspace under normal harmonic load via BEM


Ipatov Aleksandr,Litvinchuk Svetlana


The present research is dedicated to a problem of a soil dynamics in case when media is subjected to a normal harmonic load. Such type of load may be observed for example because of working wind generator, and the aim is to create a model of possible impact. One of the most appropriate ways for soil modelling is the Biot model of poroelastic media and its enhancements. In this paper we treat a soil as a poroviscoelastic media. Our poroviscoelastic formulation is based on Biot theory of poroelasticity and correspondence principle applied to skeleton of porous material. Standard linear solid model is employed to describe viscoelastic media properties. Boundary integral equations method is applied to solving threedimensional boundary-value problems. The solution of the original problem is constructed in Laplace transforms, with the subsequent application of the algorithm for numerical inversion. To introduce BEdiscretization, we consider the regularized boundary-integral equation. Mixed boundary element discretization is introduced to obtain discrete analogues. Modified Durbin’s algorithm of numerical inversion of Laplace transform is used. Research is also dedicated to development of numerical modeling technique based on Boundary Element Method (BEM) in Laplace domain of solution three dimensional poroviscodynamic problems. Numerical example of a poroviscoelastic halfspace under harmonic load is considered. Viscoelastic model parameter influence on dynamic responses of boundary functions is studied. The comparison of transient responses is presented.


EDP Sciences







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