Jude Thomas,Braghieri Alessandro,Cole Philip,Eisner Daniel,Di Salvo Rachele,Fantini Alessia,Figueiredo Antonio Joao Clara,Freyermuth Oliver,Fromberger Frank,Ghio Francesco,Groß Johannes,Kohl Katrin,Levi Sandri Paolo,Mandaglio Guiseppe,Pedroni Paolo,Romaniuk Mariia,Scheluchin Georg,Schmieden Hartmut,Sonnenschein Adrian
The BGOOD photoproduction experiment accesses forward meson angles and low momentum exchange kinematics in the uds sector, which may be sensitive to molecular-like hadron structure. Recent results are presented, including strangeness photoproduction at forward meson angles, and π0π0 co herent photoproduction off the deuteron.