Abstract. The HADES collaboration has recently studied the π− + C reaction at 0.685 GeV/c, using the GSI pion beam. This provides a first insight in the pion-nucleus dynamics in the energy range above the Δ(1232) resonance, which has been very poorly studied and is relevant for the study of heavy-ion collisions in the few GeV range. Measurements of π±, p, d and t were provided in various exit channels (inclusive, pπ−, pπ+, pp, π+π−, pπ−π+…,) and compared to predictions of the INCL++ cascade and of transport models (SMASH, RQMD.RMF, GIBUU). The results allow to test selectively the capacity ofsuch models to describe the various mechanisms (quasi-elastic, multipion production, rescatterings and pion absoprtion). The sensitivity of the data measured in the quasi-elastic channel to short range correlations is also investigated.