Sample Worth Measurement of Calcium Hydride


Sano Tadafumi,Kanda Takashi,Hori Jun-ichi


Sample reactivity measurements of CaH2 samples as the integral experiments were conducted in the Kinki University Reactor (UTR-KINKI). The sample reactivity worth was determined from a difference between two excess reactivities of the respective reactors with and without the sample. The reactivity worth measurements were repeated for 21.20 g, 41.00 g, 72.78 g and 164.4 g of CaH2 sample. Furthermore, the sample reactivity worth was calculated using the continuous energy Monte Carlo codes MVP3.0 with the nuclear library JEFF-3.1, where each cross section of H and Ca constituting a molecule of CaH2 was taken into the thermal neutron scattering law. The ratios of calculated to experimental values (C/E) were 1.119±0.587, 0.806±0.305, 0.874±0.165 and 0.894±0.099 for 21.29 g, 41.00 g, 78.72 g and 164.4 g of the samples, respectively.


EDP Sciences

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4. Reactivity Worth Measurement of Calcium Hydride Sample in UTR-KINKI Reactor

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