In heavy-ion and hadronic collisions, indications of thermalization are detected in the yields of produced hadrons: these observations call for a detailed study of the hadronization processes. Novel observables are required to discriminate between the different hadronization models that successfully describe the average yields of hadrons. The ALICE Collaboration reports on the studies of event-by-event fluctuations of the net-Ξ± number, and Pearson correlations of both the net-Ξ±–net-kaon numbers and the antideuteron–antiproton numbers, in pp, p–Pb, and Pb–Pb collisions. The measured fluctuations are compared with different hadronization models to explore the compatibility with a charge-equilibration scenario. In all cases, the experimental data agree with Thermal-FIST canonical-statistical calculations, allowing for the extraction of the correlation length for strange and baryon quantum number conservation.