Background gamma measurement for low energy astrophysical reaction at FRENA


Saha Sukhendu,Bar Tanmoy,Basu Chinmay


The majority of astrophysical reactions have very low cross-sections (nanobarn to picobarn range) and significant error bars [1, 2]. Hence γ-ray background studies up to 3 MeV have been performed inside the Facility for Research in Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (FRENA), Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India. A meticulous background calculation has been performed at different positions inside the accelerator hall and beam hall using two NaI(Tl) detectors [3]. An XPS measurement has been carried out to identify elements present in the FRENA wall concrete. Activity calculations done in [4] shows that neutrons produced by various experiments may combine with any nearby elements and form various radioactive isotopes with long half-lives, which may produce a γ-ray background .


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference9 articles.

1. Ultra-sensitive in-beam $ \gamma$ -ray spectroscopy for nuclear astrophysics at LUNA

2. Rolfs Claus E., Cauldrons in the Cosmos, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1988.

3. Knoll Glenn F., Radiation Detection and Measurement (Wiley, USA, 2000) 335-341

4. Study for the long-lived gamma background due to neutron emitting calibration reactions

5. Measurement and simulation of gamma-ray background in a low energy accelerator facility







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