Moriya Hajime,Tajima Hiroyuki,Horiuchi Wataru,Iida Kei,Nakano Eiji
We present stability and structure of two-and three-alpha systems embedded in dilute cold neutron matter. By solving a few-alpha Schrödinger equation with quasiparticle properties, i.e.,effective mass and induced two-and three-alpha interactions, which are evaluated in terms of Fermi polarons,itis shown that 8Be and the Hoyle state become bound at densities of about10−4 and 10−3 of the saturation density, respectively. It is also seen that, under cold neutron matter environment, both systems become smaller than the corresponding systems in vacuum. Our results would affect astrophysical models for stellar collapse and neutron star mergers, as well as relevant reaction rates for nucleosynthesis.