Babiano-Suarez V.,Balibrea-Correa J.,Caballero-Ontanaya L.,Domingo-Pardo C.,Ladarescu I.,Lerendegui-Marco J.,Tain J. L.,Calviño F.,Casanovas A.,Tarifeño-Saldivia A.,Guerrero C.,Aberle O.,Alcayne V.,Amaducci S.,Andrzejewski J.,Audouin L.,Bacak M.,Barbagallo M.,Bennett S.,Berthoumieux E.,Billowes J.,Bosnar D.,Brown A.,Busso M.,Caamaño M.,Calviani M.,Cano-Ott D.,Cerutti F.,Chiaveri E.,Colonna N.,Cortés G.,CortésGiraldo M. A.,Cosentino L.,Cristallo S.,Damone L. A.,Davies P. J.,Diakaki M.,Dietz M.,Dressler R.,Ducasse Q.,Dupont E.,Durán I.,Eleme Z.,Fernández-Domínguez B.,Ferrari A.,Finocchiaro P.,Furman V.,Göbel K.,Garg R.,Gawlik-Ramięga A.,Gilardoni S.,Gonçalves I. F.,González-Romero E.,Gunsing F.,Harada H.,Heinitz S.,Heyse J.,Jenkins D. G.,Junghans A.,Käppeler F.,Kadi Y.,Kimura A.,Knapová I.,Kokkoris M.,Kopatch Y.,Krtička M.,Kurtulgil D.,Lederer-Woods C.,Leeb H.,Lonsdale S. J.,Macina D.,Manna A.,Martínez T.,Masi A.,Massimi C.,Mastinu P.,Mastromarco M.,Maugeri E. A.,Mazzone A.,Mendoza E.,Mengoni A.,Michalopoulou V.,Milazzo P. M.,Mingrone F.,Moreno-Soto J.,Musumarra A.,Negret A.,Nolte R.,Ogállar F.,Oprea A.,Patronis N.,Pavlik A.,Perkowski J.,Persanti L.,Petrone C.,Pirovano E.,Porras I.,Praena J.,Quesada J. M.,Ramos-Doval D.,Rauscher T.,Reifarth R.,Rochman D.,Romanets Y.,Rubbia C.,Sabaté-Gilarte M.,Saxena A.,Schillebeeckx P.,Schumann D.,Sekhar A.,Smith A. G.,Sosnin N. V.,Sprung P.,Stamatopoulos A.,Tagliente G.,Tassan-Got L.,Thomas Th.,Torres-Sánchez P.,Tsinganis A.,Ulrich J.,Urlass S.,Valenta S.,Vannini G.,Variale V.,Vaz P.,Ventura A.,Vescovi D.,Vlachoudis V.,Vlastou R.,Wallner A.,Woods P. J.,Wright T.,Žugec P.,
Most elements heavier than iron have been generated in the stellar media by means of neutron capture reactions, approximately half are produced by the slow neutron capture or s-process. Radiative neutron capture cross section measurements are of fundamental importance for the study of this mechanism. In this contribution we present a brief summary on the measurement and results for the 80Se(n,γ) cross-section. The experiment was carried out at CERN n_TOF EAR1 via the time of flight (ToF) technique, using four C6D6 scintillation detectors with very fast response. More than a hundred new resonances have been analyzed for the first time with a high accuracy. The MACS obtained at kT = 8 keV is 36% smaller than the recommended value in KADo-NiS. Some of the astrophysical implications of this result are elucidated in this contribution.