In these proceedings, we present the measurements of nuclear modification factors for electrons from open charm (c→e) and bottom hadron decays (b→e) at mid-rapidity region in Au+Au collisions at √SNN = 200 GeV. The significance of the difference in nuclear modification factors between b→e and c→e is ≥ 3σ. We also present the measurements of the elliptic flow (v2) of inclusive heavy-flavor hadron decayed electrons (HFE) in Au+Au collisions at √SNN = 27 and 54.4 GeV. The results show non-zero HFE v2 in 54.4 GeV Au+Au collisions and a hint of smaller HFE v2 in 27 GeV Au+Au collisions than those at 54.4 and 200 GeV.
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