Oosterbeek Johan W.,Stern Mathias,Braune Harald,Ewert Karsten,Hirsch Matthias,Hollmann Frank,Killinger Andreas,Laqua Heinrich P.,Maquet Philippe,Marsen Stefan,Martínez-García Venancio,Moseev Dmitry,Noke Frank,Pak Sunil,Reintrog Arne,Stange Torsten,Wolf Robert C.,Zubieta-Lupo Rafael J.,
Following two initial campaigns [1], Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) has now completed the construction phase by installation of active cooling of all plasma facing components. The machine is presently commissioned for the next campaign (OP2) aiming at 1 GJ per pulse, e.g. 100 s at 10 MW, eventually aiming at 18 GJ, e.g. 1800 s at 10 MW. The key heating system is the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) system, consisting of 10 gyrotrons with power per gyrotron ranging from 0.6 MW up to 1.0 MW at 140 GHz. A phased upgrade of the installation is in progress with the addition of 2 gyrotrons and the development of 1.5 MW and 2.0 MW gyrotrons, such that at the end of the upgrade 4 gyrotrons will be available in each power class of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 MW [2]. The increased ECRH power, combined with O2 and X3 heating schemes at high densities, will lead to increased microwave stray radiation. This is non-absorbed microwave power that diffuses inside the vessel and is incident on all in-vessel components including vacuum windows and attached diagnostic systems. A fraction of the stray radiation is absorbed by resistive or dielectric losses of these components, leading to thermal loads that scale with stray radiation levels and pulse length. At W7-X a high power microwave stray radiation launch facility ’MISTRAL’ is available that is used to qualify invessel components for use at specified microwave surface power densities [Wm−2]. This paper reports on MISTRAL campaigns in 2020 2021 for testing of stray radiation loads during OP2 in W7-X, as well as on an EUROfusion program assessing stray radiation loads on ITER components. A dedicated, absolutely calibrated, caloric load was developed for the campaign to obtain measurement of stray radiation power levels as well as to conveniently expose samples. Amongst other we report on shielding concepts using metal enclosures combined with microwave absorbing coatings and dielectric heating of vacuum windows.
Reference18 articles.
1. Performance of Wendelstein 7-X stellarator plasmas during the first divertor operation phase
2. Laqua H.P. et al., The ECRH-Power Upgrade at the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator, this conference.
3. Laqua H.P. et al., ECRH Heating Scenarios and InVessel Components at the Wendelstein7-X Stellarator, 28th EPS Onference on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Phys. Funchal, 18-22 June 2001. ECA Vol. 25A (2001) 1277-1280.
4. Hirsch M. et al., The Impact of Microwave Stray Radiation to In-Vessel Diagnostic Components, in: International Conf. on Fusion Reactor Diagnostics, Varenna, 9 13 September, 2013, AIP Conference Proceedings 1612, 39 (2014)
5. Microwave stray radiation: Measures for steady state diagnostics at Wendelstein 7-X