Fedotovich G. V.,Akhmetshin R. R.,Amirkhanov A. N.,Anisenkov A. V.,Banzarov V. S.,Bashtovoy N. S.,Berkaev D. E.,Bondar A. E.,Bragin A. V.,Eidelman S. I.,Epifanov D. A.,Epshteyn L. B.,Erofeev A. L.,Gayazov S. E.,Grebenuk A. A.,Gribanov S. S.,Grigoriev D. N.,Ignatov F. V.,Ivanov V. L.,Karpov S. V.,Kazanin V. F.,Kirpotin A. N.,Koop I. A.,Korobov A. A.,Kozyrev A. N.,Kozyrev E. A.,Krokovny P. P.,Kuzmenko A. E.,Kuzmin A. S.,Logashenko I. B.,Lukin P. A.,Mikhailov K. Yu.,Okhapkin V. S.,OTBOEV A. V.,Peatov Yu. N.,Popov A. S.,Razuvaev G. P.,Ruban A. A.,Ryskulov N. M.,Ryzhenenkov A. E.,Stnchenko A. I.,Shebalin V. E.,Shemyakin D. N.,Shwartz B. A.,Shwartz D. B.,Sibidanov A. L.,Shatunov P. Yu.,Shatunov Yu. M.,Solodov E. P.,Talyshev A. A.,Titov V. M.,Tolmachev S. S.,Vorobiov A. I.,Zemlyansky I. M.,Yudin Yu. V.
A brief review of the recent results on the hadronic cross section measurements with the CMD-3 detector at the e+e− collider VEPP-2000 is given. Focus is made on the processes with charged kaons in multihadron events, which have a strong impact on strange meson spectroscopy and form factors that are important ingredients in the Dalitz plot analysis. Experimental data relevant to the topic are presented from the broad energy range covered by VEPP-2000 and compared to earlier measurements by the different collaborations. The analysis is based on the integrated luminosity of about 100 pb−1 collected in 2011, 2012 and 2017.