Alfs D.,Asaturyan A.,Carmignotto M.,Diermaier M.,Eyrich W.,Głowacz B.,Grzonka D.,Hauenstein F.,Horn T.,Kilian K.,Lersch D.,Malbrunot-Ettenauer S.,Mkrtchyan A.,Mkrtchyan H.,Moskal P.,Nadel-Turonski P.,Oelert W.,Ritman J.,Sefzick T.,Tadevosyan V.,Widmann E.,Wolke M.,Zhamkochyan S.,Zieliński M.,Zink A.,Zmeskal J.
The goal of the P-349 experiment is to test whether 3.5 GeV/c antiprotons produced in high-energy proton-proton collisions are polarized in view of the preparation of a polarized antiproton beam. In this article, we present the details of the ongoing analysis focused on the drift chambers calibration and particle identification with DIRC.